So Much More Than Book Learning

We have finished Day 8 of homeschooling and I still say it’s going well even though we had our first day of tears Friday. The first 20 lessons or so is supposed to be review but by day 4 we were learning new things in Lillian‘s math. I’m honestly a little disappointed that my honor roll child has so much trouble with her multiplication facts. Not disappointed in her of course; she always made A’s so no reason to think she didn’t have it down. But disappointed in the school that we have gotten to 5th grade without knowing them. And now Abeka is multiplying three numbers by three numbers and also starting long division so it makes things hard. Plus they don’t use common core which is all she’s ever known. I’ve decided to teach that subject myself until she catches on because the video teacher goes pretty fast. She cried when I told her we were going to do it that way but by the end she thanked me because it was much less stressful than trying to keep up with the video.

Other than math, she is more or less independent. I give her the quizzes and tests but she’s able to follow the lesson plans for the day that I write on the board. Her day goes from about 9 to 1:30 and Katie’s is more 9 to 12:30. She needs more help figuring out what to do next and one of my favorite times of the day is when we sit on the couch and do her reading. Plus what could be better than cuddling with your pets while you work!

But homeschooling is so much more than book learning. We don’t start until 9 o’clock so that I can walk for an hour every morning and so that they can do their chores. We actually started chores over the summer but I told them they are still continuing during school time. We’ve pretty much got it down to where I never feel like I’m overwhelmed with housework.
*Monday’s they both clean their rooms top to bottom. They put away toys and dust and vacuum. 
*Tuesday’s Lilli cleans the guinea pig cage and mops upstairs while Katie dusts and vacuums upstairs
*Wednesday’s Lillian dusts the rest of the house and Katie vacuums downstairs. 
They also help with daily things like kitchen cleaning and laundry. Which only leaves me with sheets, bathrooms and mopping weekly. It’s a good system and they’ve started earning an allowance and are required to save some of it and also buy some of those little things that I used to buy for them. And the thing is, they love it! The chores never take over about 20-30 minutes and they really enjoy having their own money when they want something. It’s funny that a lot of things they used to beg for is not worth it anymore. 

I have incorporated some of those weird national holidays into some of the things we are learning. Monday was national fajita day so we made guacamole and they get so excited to eat things that they help cook. I doubt homeschooling is going to be forever but for now I am loving all of the things we’re learning and the time we’re getting together. 


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