Doing Things Differently

We usually go to Baton Rouge the weekend before Thanksgiving so that we can celebrate my Dad’s birthday but of course this year we had to make other plans. He turns 70 tomorrow so we couldn’t let such a big birthday pass without seeing him. I’ve been working on his gift for about a month. I don’t have all of his friends phone numbers so I got their Christmas card list from Janet and sent a letter asking people to mail a card for me to collect and give to him all at once. They have been coming in for weeks and this morning I woke up extra early to be able to cook and still be on the road for 6:45 to meet him to give them to him. We met at Indian Creek recreation area right outside of Alexandria and had a brunch picnic

We had cheese grits casserole, sausage balls, a fruit tray, and of course there had to be cake! He loved his box of cards 

and a few of his friends even sent gifts. I think I collected 43 in all and am waiting on several more that are coming from last minute people. I’ll probably have to give it a week or two and then mail all of those to him because I doubt I see him again until after Christmas. We aren’t getting together with anyone inside so it makes visits very hard but this worked out really well. It was is almost exactly halfway and we may do this again.

Birthdays aren’t the only things being done differently. Coco came yesterday, 2 weeks early!! 

She has to start her quarantine before she can play but the kids were so excited to see her! That means it’s getting close and Katie is using the Christmas countdown calendar to countdown the days left of her quarantine. 13 and counting... 😉


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