Good Day
The last month or so has been pretty quiet in the McCormick house. Of course we went to Baton Rouge a month ago and got together with the deer camp family for Halloween, but we really haven’t seen friends. It hasn’t been on purpose; just haven’t made plans and I guess we’ve gotten used to it. Lily Jordan and Kelli are the people we see most often but her sister got diagnosed with Covid so they brought her home from college today so it doesn’t look like that will be changing anytime soon. They are in quarantine until almost Christmas! But I have been wanting to get the kids out for at least one more fun thing before it gets too cold and we don’t want to be outside so we met up with Cara, Josie, Ashley and Bridget at Jubilee Zoo this morning. 

Good day with my girls!
It was a nice morning and we always have fun there. The kids love the bounce houses and feeding the animals and it was good that there were hardly any other people. The highlight is always the hayride but especially this time because there was a young camel that had us laughing the whole time. He wouldn’t leave me alone and I didn’t even have the food!
We told Douglas we’d come back soon. 😉
From there, we went to Buttercup Cupcakes to pick up our Harry Potter Day treats. They do this huge thing every year that is normally people lined up at 6 AM for cupcakes. We’ve never gone and fought the crowd but this year was preorders and pick-up only. We came home and watched the next movie (we’re watching them all the way through again- started earlier this week)
Good day with my girls!
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