It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
We needed some “Merry” in Bossier City so our Christmas decorations went up on Saturday. Yes, I know it’s the beginning of November, but no, I do not care. 😉 I’m over this year and ready for the joy of the holiday season. Even though we don’t know what that will look like. We don’t know exactly what we’re doing for Thanksgiving, let alone Christmas, but I do know, no matter what, we will be together and that alone will make it good. ❤️
Not that this year has been all bad. But it seems like even the good things I can think of have a flip side. We moved in to a house we love... but haven’t been able to entertain in it and very few people have even seen it. The kids and I (mostly) enjoy homeschooling and have never had more time together... but they miss their friends and I need alone time sometimes. There have been HUGE joys like our best friends having a baby... that we haven’t been able to meet yet. So many other examples of course but I choose to focus on the first half of those thoughts because nothing can be done about the 2nd and this too will pass. So for now, I’m focused on the Merry.
It was a good week. Pretty uneventful and those are the best ones. We got to see Austin and Josey one more time when I went to pick up a Christmas tree from Yaya on Tuesday. They were going so we intentionally planned to go while they were there so the kids could play for an hour and say bye. Matt and the kids worked in the garden and pulled up tomato plants yesterday and he spent 6 hours making tomato relish. That huge arch was only two plants and he got 24 pounds of green tomatoes! We had some on our fried oysters last night and it’s delicious!
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