Halloween 2020
Once again, Covid has made a holiday a little different than what we are used to but it couldn’t have turned out more perfect. The last time all 14 members of the McCormick family were in the same place at the same time was Christmas Eve last year but we finally got together Friday night. We’re still trying to stick with mostly outside visits but the deer camp is the perfect place for that. Yaya and Capn with Josh and Hailey‘s family stayed at the big house. Chad and Rachel were in the game room and we were in the little cabin. The kids loved that we had to be outside because they played on the hill in the dark until 9:00. First time they’d ever been out there playing that late. Saturday was Halloween and we woke up and had the Capn breakfast that Austin had requested a few days before. 

Josh, Hailey and the boys had to leave that morning because they were trick-or-treating with her family that night, but we got some fall pictures before they left since we didn’t make it to the pumpkin patch this year.
They turned out super cute! The LSU game was at 2:30 and we sat on the porch watching that and carving pumpkins.
Katie did one for the first time by herself.

Top left: Matt

And we went over for the “fall carnival” that Yaya, Rachel and I had set up in the game room. It only lasted maybe 20 or 30 minutes but by their excitement you would have thought they were at the state fair. I wanted there to be something a little different since we were not doing the traditional trick-or-treat and it turned out cute!

We had gumbo for dinner followed by our deer camp trick or treat. Everyone was fun but me. 🤣 Chad scared them, Rachel cracked the door barely enough to where you couldn’t even see her and threw candy out of it screaming “go away!” Matt opened the door and dumped the whole huge bowl into their buckets and on their heads. And Capn and Yaya threw all kinds of stuff, not just candy

We ended the night with s’mores and by 8:30 we were back at the cabin to wash the hairspray and makeup off and get to bed. It was definitely a different Halloween but probably one of the best for my girls. Chad and Rachel always have a huge party but normally it’s just the four of us with grandparents. Having other kids around was very exciting and one we’ll never forget.

Josh, Hailey and the boys had to leave that morning because they were trick-or-treating with her family that night, but we got some fall pictures before they left since we didn’t make it to the pumpkin patch this year.
They turned out super cute! The LSU game was at 2:30 and we sat on the porch watching that and carving pumpkins.
Katie did one for the first time by herself.
Top left: Matt
Top right: Lilli
Bottom left: Katie (and Josey)
Bottom right: Austin
Once the game was over, the kids got in their costumes
And we went over for the “fall carnival” that Yaya, Rachel and I had set up in the game room. It only lasted maybe 20 or 30 minutes but by their excitement you would have thought they were at the state fair. I wanted there to be something a little different since we were not doing the traditional trick-or-treat and it turned out cute!
We had gumbo for dinner followed by our deer camp trick or treat. Everyone was fun but me. 🤣 Chad scared them, Rachel cracked the door barely enough to where you couldn’t even see her and threw candy out of it screaming “go away!” Matt opened the door and dumped the whole huge bowl into their buckets and on their heads. And Capn and Yaya threw all kinds of stuff, not just candy
We ended the night with s’mores and by 8:30 we were back at the cabin to wash the hairspray and makeup off and get to bed. It was definitely a different Halloween but probably one of the best for my girls. Chad and Rachel always have a huge party but normally it’s just the four of us with grandparents. Having other kids around was very exciting and one we’ll never forget.
I always love my time hop app and yesterday was very cool. I’m posting here to save but here are the costumes through the years. The only one we are missing is nine-month-old Lillian in her poodle costume. I didn’t have a smart phone at the time so not nearly as many pictures. 😉
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