Daddy’s Home!

I made the mistake of responding to a jury duty questionaire a few weeks ago (in my defense, I’m 38 and it’s the very first time I’d ever gotten a summons so I was clueless- didn’t realize I had a choice) I attempted to be excused by writing a letter to the Judge saying we homeschool but he did not care so I was stuck between going and a bench warrant. 🙄 I explained to someone in the office that I had no one to keep the kids and she said she was sure he would excuse me and made it seem like I could go up there and be out in 15 minutes so the kids rode along. Well, that was NOT the case. We get there and spend 3 hours in a room (at least they let the girls be in the hall) with about 60 people with ZERO Covid precautions. I was FURIOUS. On top of the fact that it was 4 days after Thanksgiving and I know at least half of those people were with a crowd days before. So when we finally got released (oh, and no court that week, they didn’t need any of us 🤬) I called Matt to say I really didn’t think it was a good idea for us to be around him for a few days. We hated to do it because we’d only had one night since he got back from being gone to the camp for 3 but decided it was too risky. So last week was pretty low key. I don’t think we left the house other than Katie’s allergy appointment and I had to show a house once (but I never go in with them anyway.) We even skipped art because all of the kids there are homeschooling too and the Moms and I have talked and I know they are all super careful. It’s a good thing we had Coco’s antics to look forward to each morning.

Other than that it was school and a BUNCH of Christmas movies. I did a drive through Covid test Friday and the results came back yesterday and Matt could finally come home! We had dinner together and a movie night and today we took some pics for the Christmas card. 
So happy to have him home! That’s twice now that we’ve had to do that and the girls made us promise we wouldn’t do it again. ❤️


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