It’s Christmas!
As Gypsy and I sit on the couch at 5:30 waiting for the rest of the family to wake up, I decided I would update my blog for Christmas Eve before I had my pictures from Christmas Day to add to it. Yesterday was a really wonderful day even though it had to be a little different. We drove up to Vivian to spend time with the rest of the McCormicks to celebrate. It was a cold and WINDY day and we are all still keeping visits to outdoors but Capn and Yaya had a plan! They must have worked their butts off all week (it didn’t go unnoticed, we love y’all! 😘 And thank you for all you do to make sure we can get together) to get the WW ready to move Christmas in there. We opened up a garage door so the inside became out and it was perfect!

Yaya cooked for days getting this spread together. We had all the usual snack foods plus Capn’s gumbo that’s always a favorite.
After lunch, Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived on their sleigh! I guess this is what it would look like if he lived in the country instead of the North Pole. We had excited kids watching it roll in there!
They (actually all of us) got so much stuff and were beyond excited! It’s always fun to see the excitement in their faces.

We played a while longer, made food for the reindeer (when Yaya asked how we knew what they liked Austin’s reply was Santa must have told Dr. Fauci when he vaccinated him 🤣) and then it was time to head home. We’re usually with family until late on Christmas Eve so it was weird to be home, but I’ll admit kind of nice. That’s been my experience all year. We hate all the things we’ve missed but there’s something to say for quiet time at home too. My kids are only little once and I’ve never had this much time with them. By the time we unloaded the car, there was just enough time for baths before presents again
We opened gifts from each other and from extended family (and that includes Uncle Shanny and Aunt Alex- I’ll never forget their shock when they realized he wasn’t really related- that’s the day they learned family can be chosen too😊) that didn’t go to Alexandria a few weeks ago and had mailed. It was almost 6:00 by the time we were done so Matt fried fish, oysters and fries for our Christmas Eve dinner and we watched “The Star.” A super cute movie that tells the Christmas story from the animals perspective. Katie was falling asleep by the time it was over so it was off to bed soon after. But of course we couldn’t miss our book traditions either. I always read the Christmas story and Yaya always reads The Night Before Christmas.
Yaya cooked for days getting this spread together. We had all the usual snack foods plus Capn’s gumbo that’s always a favorite.
After lunch, Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived on their sleigh! I guess this is what it would look like if he lived in the country instead of the North Pole. We had excited kids watching it roll in there!
They (actually all of us) got so much stuff and were beyond excited! It’s always fun to see the excitement in their faces.
We played a while longer, made food for the reindeer (when Yaya asked how we knew what they liked Austin’s reply was Santa must have told Dr. Fauci when he vaccinated him 🤣) and then it was time to head home. We’re usually with family until late on Christmas Eve so it was weird to be home, but I’ll admit kind of nice. That’s been my experience all year. We hate all the things we’ve missed but there’s something to say for quiet time at home too. My kids are only little once and I’ve never had this much time with them. By the time we unloaded the car, there was just enough time for baths before presents again
We opened gifts from each other and from extended family (and that includes Uncle Shanny and Aunt Alex- I’ll never forget their shock when they realized he wasn’t really related- that’s the day they learned family can be chosen too😊) that didn’t go to Alexandria a few weeks ago and had mailed. It was almost 6:00 by the time we were done so Matt fried fish, oysters and fries for our Christmas Eve dinner and we watched “The Star.” A super cute movie that tells the Christmas story from the animals perspective. Katie was falling asleep by the time it was over so it was off to bed soon after. But of course we couldn’t miss our book traditions either. I always read the Christmas story and Yaya always reads The Night Before Christmas.
I’m thankful for technology that has allowed us to stay connected even while we are apart. Merry Christmas everyone! Updates on the day to come 🎄❤️🎁🎅🏻
This just made my heart so warm.....our family is truly a glue that will hold us all together no matter what the universe throws our way!! We are tough. We are strong. And we love each other dearly!