Merry Merry!
Christmas yesterday was a wonderfully lazy day. We woke up at 6:00 (well, I was up at 4:30, I was too excited to sleep😁) and Santa Claus came! 
The girls got everything they wanted and then some but of course we had to mess with them about all of the coal and switches we were seeing before they came down.
We spent all morning getting Lilli’s aquarium and Katie’s doll house set up which was the top gift for each. They played together, we napped and watched a movie. Poor Katie had hives on her arm from either getting into something in Vivian the day before or possibly the cat scratch she got when she attempted to put a shirt on Sammy 😬, but I gave her some Benadryl to help and she fell asleep during the movie and slept for almost 4 hours. She was so sleepy she didn’t even want dinner but we did manage to get her up to at least sit at the table with us.
Matt made a beautiful prime rib and I made the sides. I asked to each person to pick their favorite side dish and we ended up with bacon wrapped green beans for Matt, pineapple casserole for Lilli and mashed potatoes for Katie. Plus my great grandmother’s chocolate pie recipe and homemade ice cream for dessert. It was a really nice day spent together and me, Lilli and Katie ended up falling asleep in the living room last night watching movies. I really loved the time with my girls.

Another lazy day and a nice extension of the holiday. I guess eventually the decorations will have to come down and life will go back to normal but I sure have enjoyed this season.
The girls got everything they wanted and then some but of course we had to mess with them about all of the coal and switches we were seeing before they came down.
We had Nana set up on FaceTime so she could see the joy of them seeing it all for the first time. She was up and dressed and ready for us and said it had been years since she had gotten to see that. Probably since we were kids. I don’t know that she has spent the night with any of the great-grands on Christmas Eve. I was glad we got to do that and lots of people went to visit her on Christmas Day so there were people in and out all day. And no one said a word about them coming inside so that was nice too.
We spent all morning getting Lilli’s aquarium and Katie’s doll house set up which was the top gift for each. They played together, we napped and watched a movie. Poor Katie had hives on her arm from either getting into something in Vivian the day before or possibly the cat scratch she got when she attempted to put a shirt on Sammy 😬, but I gave her some Benadryl to help and she fell asleep during the movie and slept for almost 4 hours. She was so sleepy she didn’t even want dinner but we did manage to get her up to at least sit at the table with us.
Matt made a beautiful prime rib and I made the sides. I asked to each person to pick their favorite side dish and we ended up with bacon wrapped green beans for Matt, pineapple casserole for Lilli and mashed potatoes for Katie. Plus my great grandmother’s chocolate pie recipe and homemade ice cream for dessert. It was a really nice day spent together and me, Lilli and Katie ended up falling asleep in the living room last night watching movies. I really loved the time with my girls.
And this morning Matt took Lillian to Petsmart to get all of the things to decorate her new aquarium while Katie and I played with her Legos.
Another lazy day and a nice extension of the holiday. I guess eventually the decorations will have to come down and life will go back to normal but I sure have enjoyed this season.
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