Alexandria Zoo

We drove down to Alexandria today to meet friends at the zoo. It had been closed since Hurricane Laura hit last summer because of all of the damage and we wanted to take advantage of spring break and check it out. Ashley, Paul, Bridget, Heather, Marlene (Heather’s Mom and a past client), Britney, Bella, Kelli, Ethan and Lily all came. 

At the start of the pandemic last year I really considered Heather and Ashley to be “Mom friends.” (Kelli and I had already gotten pretty close and would hang out without kids) I always loved their company but we never really socialized other than play dates. But during that time that we were strictly locked down, these 3 ladies were the ones I talked to regularly and the ones who would come sit in the driveway or a parking lot from 6 feet away so that we could socialize. I’m sure that’s not what they wanted to be doing most days but they always made it a priority and we definitely got closer during it. We talk all of the time and have group texts going now. 😊

So it was fun to have this group all meet up for something a little different. 

The kids had fun getting to hang out with friends they’ve known as long as they can remember and the adults got to catch up too. Plus the animals were active so that’s always fun! 

Not ready to go back to the reality of our 5 day weeks on Monday but only 8 more weeks of school. It’s hard to believe I’ve almost taught a whole year. It really hasn’t been nearly as bad as I worried it might be and I’ve loved this extra time with the girls. ❤️


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