Busy Week

There are plenty of words to describe life over the last year but busy definitely isn’t one of them. But this week was different. I’ve got 3 new clients plus of course there is school. Then, on Wednesday we met Yaya at Ellis Pottery to get plants for our front flower beds. I had full intentions of helping Matt plant them but he did it all for me that evening while I cleaned to get ready for Pops and Honey to come.

Janet’s aunt passed away and the funeral was in Tyler on Friday so they spent Thursday and Friday here so they could go. The girls had their 2nd riding lesson Thursday evening and they were here when we got back. I hate the reason they were coming but it was a nice, unexpected visit. 

It was so great to be able to have a few evenings with them being normal. And I hugged them for only the 2nd time in a year too!

They left about 8 o’clock this morning and I had to show a house at 9:00. And then at 11:00 I had a bunch of the girls friends over for a big play date. We have been trying to get together for weeks and the weather finally cooperated. They were each able to invite three friends so we have a total of eight girls and it was crazy! I put out 100 eggs for an Easter egg hunt since they won’t be going to one this year. And they all got in the pool and played in the yard. (The water is only 71° but I guess it’s warm enough for kids.) They all stayed almost 4 hours and, even though it wasn’t the original plan, the moms ended up staying too. So I got to catch up with Kelli, Ashley, Heather and Christy. We had pizza and got to visit all afternoon. 

I’m looking forward to summer when we can do this all of the time! 


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