Spring “Slow Down”

We aren’t taking a full week long spring break over here at LGA. Austin and Josey are out of school this week and the girls wanted a couple of extra days to play on the iPads with them. And next week is Bossier’s spring break and all of their friends are out so they want a few days to get together with them too. Since they couldn’t decide what week to take, we decided to take a little of both. We did 3 days worth of school this week (but in 2 days- doubled up lessons) and will do 2 days next week. They got the extra cousin play time and also had time for other things. All 3 of us had an eye doctor appointment Tuesday morning so we were there for over 2 hours,

Lilli got new glasses and I have to start wearing them too. 😫 I made it 39 years, lol. Mine are ordered but she told me to grab drug store readers until they come in. I had no idea how blurry things were before! Can’t wait to see when I have my new prescription and real glasses. 

Katie is still having fun with her virtual gymnastics 

And we got some cousin play time the other day too. 

Katie is the only crazy kid that wants to get in the pool but it’s officially swimming season for her!

The highlight of the week was our homeschool field trip to The Party Barn today. We had a total of 20 kids and I had never met any of them before. I posted on A Facebook group that I am in a couple of weeks ago and had so much interest that I had to turn people away. It was a lot of fun to hang out with other homeschoolers again and we learned a lot. Katie is even more convinced that she needs a horse now.

And today is officially one year since the WHO declared the coronavirus a pandemic and the first case in the area. One full year after the virus turned our lives upside down we can see an end in sight. Matt got his 2nd shot yesterday so in 2 weeks he will be fully protected. And I got my first one today so it’s 6 weeks for me. 

I drove to Vivian and never even turned off my car to get it done. The line to get coffee in Bossier took longer! Yaya, Rachel and Chad have all had theirs too and the whole family will stay together at the deer camp this weekend for the first time since 2019. And as of today, every adult in the “Baton Rouge family” has had at least the first shot. I honestly cried on the way home. We are going to go down for Easter and I’m going to hug my grandma without worrying about getting her sick. I’m ready to sign the kids up for a camp and plan a visit to Shanon and Alex soon. We have missed so much but I know in the grand scheme of things it’s a blip. The rest of 2021 is looking brighter! 


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