Illuminate Co-Op

When we decided that Katie would homeschool again this year, one of the main things I wanted to be sure to include was some sort of regular group event. She loves being here but I want her to know some new kids and see people other than me and the animals during the day. (She’s the best cat owner though because she’s been doing her school on the floor since Sammy has claimed her desk chair during school hours. I got a 2nd chair to fix that for this week though.🤣) 

We joined Illuminate Co-Op which is the most active homeschool group in our area. They meet once a week for a class and also get together for field trips. Most years (they are undecided on this one still due to Covid) they have things like grandparents day, Daddy/Daughter dance, Christmas party… all the things she’s missing by not being in full day school. For high school they even have prom and graduation. 

Today was the first day of class and it was fun! She was very shy which surprised me, but I bet she’s the loudest one in there soon. 😉 First hour is Health/P.E. 2nd hour is Times Tales (learning multiplication facts). And 3rd hour is art. They have some glitches to work out so we didn’t start until about 9:30 and were done by 11:30, but a normal Tuesday will be 9-12. We went ahead and left at 11:30 because she said she didn’t want to play again. I asked why she was so shy but she said it was more that she was tired. That may be true after 2 nights at the camp, staying up until midnight at the sleepover,  and within minutes of them getting home from that, Cara, Luke and Josie came over for lunch and to swim. She went to sleep at 3:00 yesterday afternoon, I had to wake her up to eat at 5:00, and she was back to sleep from 8:30-7:00 last night. 

Tired girls! The rest of this week will be normal. School, art, gymnastics, riding and hopefully some rest this weekend. 

And this is unrelated but Timehop got me today! Lilli at 15 months going to her first day of Mother’s Day Out, Katie’s 1st day of Pre-K3, and her in kindergarten. Ugh, why do they have to grow up? 😫


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