Straight out of Quarantine
When Lilli went back to school, I knew it was only a matter of time before she was quarantined, had Covid or both. 5 weeks into school, I got the call that she was exposed to a positive case on the bus, and she would have to come home to quarantine. This was last Thursday and apparently the exposure had been on Monday. (I guess the kid had gone home and didn’t go to the doc for a few days thinking it was some other sickness and had just gotten the results back.) The guidelines (right now- this is different than they were when we went to parent night before school) is that anyone within 3 feet of them has to quarantine. You are out for a minimum of eight days. You can go back on the eighth day with a negative test result on day six or after. If you decide not to test, you are out for 14 days. And this is for quarantine without symptoms. With symptoms, you are required to test, and a positive test means you are out for an additional 10 days from that point.

The animals definitely loved it.
And I loved having them both with me and a part of me wished it could be everyday. But virtual school is a nightmare compared to homeschooling. There are 5 teachers all posting assignments at different times. And even with me helping, there was still a video assignment and a small quiz that we somehow missed. We triple checked so I don’t know how it happened but I’m sure this is exactly why parents with kids doing virtual have so many complaints. So, we decided to test yesterday to get her back to school today and it was negative. I wasn’t surprised because she had had zero symptoms, but when she was first quarantined I was a little worried that the exposure had been on the bus because the driver doesn’t allow them to put the windows down. It definitely could have been worse. With the way the days fell we didn’t miss any of our after school stuff and still did riding, art and gymnastics.

We had planned to go to Baton Rouge last weekend, but decided to postpone because of this. So Yaya stopped by on Thursday afternoon with some craft kits that kept them occupied during our lazy weekend.

She was back in school today, and it was perfect timing because the 7th and 8th grade football team had their first game and Lillian’s new friends are on the pep squad and she wanted to go watch. (She says she may even join next year because all of her friends are on it and she would love to spend time with them and also thinks it would be fun to be involved in the games.)
I love that she’s really getting involved in the school. She’s joined the art club, 4-H, and volunteered for student council. (That was another reason for the early testing because they have their first meeting on Thursday.) I know she’s going to end up loving this time of her life even more than she did at Apollo!
So… for 2 1/2 days we were all 3 back in the classroom together.
The animals definitely loved it.
And I loved having them both with me and a part of me wished it could be everyday. But virtual school is a nightmare compared to homeschooling. There are 5 teachers all posting assignments at different times. And even with me helping, there was still a video assignment and a small quiz that we somehow missed. We triple checked so I don’t know how it happened but I’m sure this is exactly why parents with kids doing virtual have so many complaints. So, we decided to test yesterday to get her back to school today and it was negative. I wasn’t surprised because she had had zero symptoms, but when she was first quarantined I was a little worried that the exposure had been on the bus because the driver doesn’t allow them to put the windows down. It definitely could have been worse. With the way the days fell we didn’t miss any of our after school stuff and still did riding, art and gymnastics.
We had planned to go to Baton Rouge last weekend, but decided to postpone because of this. So Yaya stopped by on Thursday afternoon with some craft kits that kept them occupied during our lazy weekend.
She was back in school today, and it was perfect timing because the 7th and 8th grade football team had their first game and Lillian’s new friends are on the pep squad and she wanted to go watch. (She says she may even join next year because all of her friends are on it and she would love to spend time with them and also thinks it would be fun to be involved in the games.)
I love that she’s really getting involved in the school. She’s joined the art club, 4-H, and volunteered for student council. (That was another reason for the early testing because they have their first meeting on Thursday.) I know she’s going to end up loving this time of her life even more than she did at Apollo!
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