Fall Friday

We’ve had sickness run through this house this week. It started last Sunday with Katie running fever, cough, sore throat and runny nose. Of course for the last year and a half everyone jumps to Covid with those symptoms, but I took her to the doctor Monday and it was negative. She ran fever on and off from Sunday to Tuesday and still has a little cough but doing much better. She was able to go back to Gymnastics Wednesday afternoon

and even cooked a meal and she and I did our first service project. She watched Lilli working on something for 4-H and asked if we can start doing something at least once a month too. So I signed up for the Feed the Homeless project that a friend of mine does downtown every Saturday morning. We put together 30 snack bags (they have Vienna sausage, crackers, granola bars, chips, etc for them to have for the week) to drop off to her.

Lillian ended up with it Wednesday and had to miss school Thursday with a fever. Poor kids don’t even get sick days anymore since they are also accommodating virtual kids. She had to take three tests, and do a full math and social studies lesson. She didn’t feel wonderful this morning but decided it wasn’t worth it to miss if she had to work all day anyway. 😉 But she did get to wake up to a surprise book fair, 

complete with pastries, juice and candy, and I drove her to school so she could sleep 30 minutes later. On top of breakfast, they each had books and crafts to go through.

Katie had some school today but she didn’t even realize she was doing it. We watched a video for math. It teaches times tables with animated stories and (she may have to think about them but) she pretty much knows her facts up to 12. We did mad libs for language, and then threw in some more fun learning. We had science in the form of 2 experiments

(We waited for Lilli to be home for one of them and also for our tie-dying.)

There was some more math with cookie baking. Gypsy was a big help as the clean up crew 😉

And we had art class together when we did a craft Yaya had gotten us and found a way to fix a craft she had done in preschool that was falling apart but I didn’t want to lose.

Our original plan was to also go on a hike with a homeschooling group, but that got rained out so the afternoon turned in to reading and a movie. Still a perfect day for our first “Fun Friday.” The start of October always feels like the start of the holiday season for me and I love the fun with them that it brings! 


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