Pumpkins Patch Pictures and Service Day
One of my favorite fall traditions is our pumpkin patch pictures at Asbury. We’ve been going since Lillian was one and I love seeing the memories come up every year. We went Tuesday on the way to the football game and even Matt was able to meet us on his way home from work. 

And this morning, Lillian and I got up to participate in United Way’s Day of Service. Benton Intermediate Student Council had chosen to sponsor the Barksdale Annex Friendship House. They collected non food household items all week and a few of the kids met up there to deliver the items and hear about what they do.
I had never heard of it but it seems to be an amazing ministry. A woman and her husband live here and provide an after school place for kids in the neighborhood. It was very eye opening to our kids who thought this kind of thing only happened “other places.” The woman talked about fifth graders who couldn’t recognize normal zoo animals because no one had ever read them a book, Second and third graders that couldn’t write their numbers, how if kids missed the bus they just hung around the neighborhood and didn’t go to school because they either didn’t have a parent at home during the day or their parents didn’t care. She does homework with them, drives them to school if they miss the bus, Is sure they have clean clothes and something to eat. And she and her husband live there so they are definitely a part of the community so no one can say she doesn’t understand what life is like. She talked about how once a year she tries to take them somewhere like a pumpkin patch or even a big trip like the Tyler zoo. I think it shocked our kids a little because they get so frustrated that we are sometimes too involved (in their opinions 😉) and these kids just wish somebody would care. And that things we may do on a Tuesday after school, are their highlight of the year.
It wasn’t mandatory so I considered not going but was so glad we did. Plus, I got to meet Lillian‘s teacher, Mrs. Salley. She made a point to introduce herself and tell me how much she loves Lillian and what a great student and how helpful she is. I know lots of people questioned my homeschooling last year and my ability to teach them what they needed (probably no one more than myself), but this first nine weeks has proven what my research says. Social skills and grades have so much more to do with the child than the type of learning environment they are in. There are plenty of kids that go to public school that are socially awkward and don’t do well on a standardized test. And plenty of homeschoolers that are very outgoing and score in the 99th percentile. (In fact, I just read more Ivy leagues are even starting to favor homeschoolers because they tend to think outside the box more than kids that went to school and had to do things a certain way.) But Lillian loves school and, for her, this is definitely the right place. I’m so glad that she is doing so well and loving it. Makes this Mama’s heart so proud to see.
And on a different note, we added a new cousin to our “girl squad” (Lilli’s words) on the Craig side this week. My cousin, Morgan, and her husband, Matt, had their first baby. Lyla Rae Klaser was born on Wednesday and we love her already. Jimmy and Theresa are Grandparents for the first time and there couldn’t be a happier Grammy and Grumps!

It sure is crazy how much they have grown. I want to have them recreate this one from 5 years ago next year.
And this morning, Lillian and I got up to participate in United Way’s Day of Service. Benton Intermediate Student Council had chosen to sponsor the Barksdale Annex Friendship House. They collected non food household items all week and a few of the kids met up there to deliver the items and hear about what they do.
I had never heard of it but it seems to be an amazing ministry. A woman and her husband live here and provide an after school place for kids in the neighborhood. It was very eye opening to our kids who thought this kind of thing only happened “other places.” The woman talked about fifth graders who couldn’t recognize normal zoo animals because no one had ever read them a book, Second and third graders that couldn’t write their numbers, how if kids missed the bus they just hung around the neighborhood and didn’t go to school because they either didn’t have a parent at home during the day or their parents didn’t care. She does homework with them, drives them to school if they miss the bus, Is sure they have clean clothes and something to eat. And she and her husband live there so they are definitely a part of the community so no one can say she doesn’t understand what life is like. She talked about how once a year she tries to take them somewhere like a pumpkin patch or even a big trip like the Tyler zoo. I think it shocked our kids a little because they get so frustrated that we are sometimes too involved (in their opinions 😉) and these kids just wish somebody would care. And that things we may do on a Tuesday after school, are their highlight of the year.
It wasn’t mandatory so I considered not going but was so glad we did. Plus, I got to meet Lillian‘s teacher, Mrs. Salley. She made a point to introduce herself and tell me how much she loves Lillian and what a great student and how helpful she is. I know lots of people questioned my homeschooling last year and my ability to teach them what they needed (probably no one more than myself), but this first nine weeks has proven what my research says. Social skills and grades have so much more to do with the child than the type of learning environment they are in. There are plenty of kids that go to public school that are socially awkward and don’t do well on a standardized test. And plenty of homeschoolers that are very outgoing and score in the 99th percentile. (In fact, I just read more Ivy leagues are even starting to favor homeschoolers because they tend to think outside the box more than kids that went to school and had to do things a certain way.) But Lillian loves school and, for her, this is definitely the right place. I’m so glad that she is doing so well and loving it. Makes this Mama’s heart so proud to see.
And on a different note, we added a new cousin to our “girl squad” (Lilli’s words) on the Craig side this week. My cousin, Morgan, and her husband, Matt, had their first baby. Lyla Rae Klaser was born on Wednesday and we love her already. Jimmy and Theresa are Grandparents for the first time and there couldn’t be a happier Grammy and Grumps!
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