Baton Rouge Christmas
We are home from a busy, fun filled weekend in Baton Rouge that we spent celebrating Christmas with my side of the family. We stopped by Nana’s first thing to say hello
Because our Christmas #1 was just Dad and Janet with their kids and grandkids. Janet’s step-sister and her husband were also there, as well as my cousin, Michaelyn, who is more like a sister. 22 of us!
Janet called it a Christmas miracle to have all of their immediate family in one picture. 🥰 She cooked a nice meal and we all exchanged gifts and had a nice visit

Saturday Morning we were up bright and early and at the church before 7:00 for The Great Turkey Giveaway. This was the 11th year and it gets bigger each time. 545 families were served a frozen turkey, bag of canned/boxed goods, a bag of fresh produce and a loaf of my Dad’s homemade bread. He bakes for months to have over 500 loaves to giveaway. What a blessing to the community! It is run solely on volunteer staff and donations and it’s really amazing the work they do.

A lot of the family showed up to help and it made my Dad’s day that all his grandkids (except Anna who had Driver’s Ed this weekend 😳) were there. Jen had to teach and Matt and Ryan went woodcock hunting but Allie and I were there with the kids and even Nana came to tell everyone Merry Christmas. She knows so many clients from her years of volunteering there. Piper and Katie lost steam once it started raining, but Daniel and Lilli never quit and worked their tails off the whole 4 hours. Daniel seriously impressed me with his Spanish speaking (a lot of the clients first language). He’s on salary with a landscape company and works with a lot of people that speak Spanish and is now fluent. He’s really turned into an impressive young adult. It was hard work but very fulfilling and fun. We got back to Jimmy’s house around 11 and had to take showers and get a little nap after the long morning.
Because our Christmas #1 was just Dad and Janet with their kids and grandkids. Janet’s step-sister and her husband were also there, as well as my cousin, Michaelyn, who is more like a sister. 22 of us!
Janet called it a Christmas miracle to have all of their immediate family in one picture. 🥰 She cooked a nice meal and we all exchanged gifts and had a nice visit
Saturday Morning we were up bright and early and at the church before 7:00 for The Great Turkey Giveaway. This was the 11th year and it gets bigger each time. 545 families were served a frozen turkey, bag of canned/boxed goods, a bag of fresh produce and a loaf of my Dad’s homemade bread. He bakes for months to have over 500 loaves to giveaway. What a blessing to the community! It is run solely on volunteer staff and donations and it’s really amazing the work they do.
A lot of the family showed up to help and it made my Dad’s day that all his grandkids (except Anna who had Driver’s Ed this weekend 😳) were there. Jen had to teach and Matt and Ryan went woodcock hunting but Allie and I were there with the kids and even Nana came to tell everyone Merry Christmas. She knows so many clients from her years of volunteering there. Piper and Katie lost steam once it started raining, but Daniel and Lilli never quit and worked their tails off the whole 4 hours. Daniel seriously impressed me with his Spanish speaking (a lot of the clients first language). He’s on salary with a landscape company and works with a lot of people that speak Spanish and is now fluent. He’s really turned into an impressive young adult. It was hard work but very fulfilling and fun. We got back to Jimmy’s house around 11 and had to take showers and get a little nap after the long morning.
We had to rest up for Christmas #2 that night that Jen and I were hosting at her house. I made a ham, corn casserole, and desserts and she made a roast and appetizer. Plus lizard and Theresa each offered to bring a side. It was another feast and the kids got their gifts from Nana, Lizard and Jimmy and Theresa and we played a few games. It was very laid back and fun and I’m so glad we got to do it. Much different than our outdoor park Christmas we had last year.

I was sad to leave today but so glad for the time we had. ❤️ Merry Christmas!
I was sad to leave today but so glad for the time we had. ❤️ Merry Christmas!
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