It’s Christmas Break!

We ended last weekend with a girl day with Yaya to see the Shreveport Metropolitan Ballet’s performance of The Nutcracker. 

We attempted this several years ago but Katie was so small she slept in my lap through the whole thing, and Lillian watched, but didn’t really appreciate it. But now they are old enough to truly appreciate the beauty and the difficulty of all of the dances. It was a great show and a really nice afternoon of lunch, the ballet and girl time. ❤️ 

Katie went home with Yaya from there so that I could have a girl day with Kelli on Monday to celebrate her first semester back in school and also get some work done. They had a fun day of cooking and playing NONSTOP

Lillian’s week was busy with studying for her first year of midterms. It was a lot of work with a big test in each core class and a whole different world from the last week before break in elementary. We are used to class parties and pj days but those days are done for her. It’s amazing how much she’s grown even since the summer

She’s got the most beautiful smile and her mind is too. I snapped this pic for Matt when I saw she had written her goals and notes to herself on her mirror

Gymnastics is taking a break until after the new year so they had end of the year awards at Katie’s classes yesterday and today. She got the “All Around” Award at her cheer/tumbling class and the “110%” award in her team development (DV) class tonight. 

She’s very proud of those medals! And they started learning to do handstands and cartwheels on the beam this week. I may need some anxiety meds to watch! But she’s proud of this next step too

I have to work some next week so it won’t be all play but definitely looking forward to no alarms for the next 2 1/2 weeks!!


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