12 Year Old Birthday Interview

12 year old birthday interview:

                What is your:
1. Favorite color? Green
2. Toy? Umm… I guess my phone? 😉
3. Fruit? Pineapple
4. Show/ Movie? Lost in Space
5. Lunch? Subway
6. Outfit? Lululemon leggings or camo
7. Game? I guess TikTok 🤣
8. Snack? Veggie straws or colored goldfish 
9. Song? If I Was a Cowboy
10. Animal? Shark
11. Book? Hunger Games
12. Best friend? Kaylee
13. Cereal?  Cheerios
14. Drink? Dr. Pepper
15. Game to play outside? Hide and seek
16. Holiday? Christmas 
17. Breakfast? French toast
18. Dinner? Fried deer meat
19. What do you want to be when you grow up? Equine Vet


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