New Years Weekend

Lillian had a busy couple of days in between her deer camp trips last week. She and Matt got home on Monday and we were back up there on Thursday, and in between she had to do a whole talented art project. She was chosen to represent the school in a contest and given this assignment over the break. Two weeks seems like so long until you fill it up with plans. It took her about 10 hours of work and I’m proud of how her painting turned out.

We had to take a break on Wednesday to go to the eye doctor because she asked for contacts. I thought we would have to order them but we left with them.
She’s already got putting them in and out down and it makes her look even more grown! 

New Year’s weekend was super fun and low-key. We missed Shanon and Alex who came down with some sort of sickness at the last minute. For years we had a tradition of doing New Year’s together and this is the third year in a row it has not worked out. So we definitely missed them but glad they are starting to feel better. Jen and Ryan still came up with Piper and Anna and we had a nice time. They got there Thursday evening and we had two full days and three nights together. The longest visit in a while. We didn’t do anything too crazy. There was hunting


Sitting by a fire with s’mores

And New Year’s Eve had sparklers and fireworks 

The kids played in the game room and rode probably 100 miles in the loop on the 4 wheelers. I’m not exaggerating! They rode in circles for hours both days.

And of course New Year’s Day we had to have our traditional black eyed peas and cabbage and burned the candle from Lisa all day. Matt made an amazing deer ham that he stuffed with breakfast sausage and stuffing and bacon wrapped before he put it on the smoker. That and bacon wrapped duck breasts completed our meal

The food that we can put together out there is always wonderful but the company was even better. We hadn’t gotten any one on one time with them in a really long time, and probably never for that long. It was a great way to start a new year. Here’s to 2022! 


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