Happy Birthday Lilli Leigh

Happy Birthday to the sweetest, smartest, funniest 12 year old I know! I can’t believe it has been 12 years since the day you made me a Mama. 

And what an amazing 12 years it has been. I won’t say everyday is perfect, but I do love everyday I get to spend with you.

We had a great day today celebrating. She woke up to her birthday table and got to open gifts from us and Pops and Honey. 

(New shoes she REALLY didn’t want to mess up)

I checked her out of school about 10:00 so she could go to lunch with Yaya. (We had all planned to go but we got a call 5 minutes before we were leaving from the friend Katie spent all day Saturday with. She started feeling sick about 12 hours after that play date and had just tested positive for Covid) Yaya brought flowers from Granna ❤️ and Lilli’s gifts by the house and then picked her up for some one on one time. They went to Notini’s and did some shopping at Target. 

When she got back we picked up Lilli’s friends from school to go to Risen Rock for a few hours. My original plan was to have Katie sit on the outside playground or in a corner with a mask but there was literally no one else there so she got to climb too (I’d run it by the friends Moms and no one was concerned plus we did try to keep some distance) 

We got to stay about two hours before other people started to arrive and it was time to go home to fix dinner anyway. I made her favorite birthday dinner of fried deer meat and mashed potatoes last night because I knew today would be later getting home. And today was pesto pasta with nothing bundt cake for dessert. 

After dinner, We caught up on all the work she missed (the downfall-to a kid at least-of all work being posted virtually is you never truly miss a school day anymore) and then watched a few episodes of the show we’ve all been watching together. I think she had a really nice day and I did too. 

Now we are hoping we all stay well so it doesn’t mess up the last weekend of hunting season! She chose to not have a friend party this year because she wanted to hunt and hang out with Daddy, Capn and Uncle Shanny more last weekend.

And doesn’t want to miss the last one of the season either. Priorities are definitely changing but it’s amazing to watch her grow up ❤️ Happy Birthday Lillian!!


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