Babies and Birthdays

Our babies are here!

We have been preparing for months and the day is finally here. We ordered our chickens while we were in Colorado and they shipped yesterday, and arrived today. I had some excited girls when I got the call! Yaya happened to be picking up Poppy from the groomer when we sent pics so she surprised us and stopped by to see them too. They are so much friendlier than I expected for Day 1. They happily get into our hands and fell asleep in the girls laps. When we left the room, they started chirping very loudly so we moved them to the living room and then they were fine. I think they are going to be a great addition to the family. 

Not too much has been going on since we got back from Colorado. We had a mostly lazy weekend so that we could recover, except for when I left to go to Cara’s 40th birthday dinner that I threw her at We Olive and Matt went to work at the camp. 

Katie has been spending A LOT of time on the phone catching up with friends and family. Josey and family were all sick with Covid so they have been around to talk/play, and she’s been FaceTiming a good bit with Landry now that she’s moved. It’s been 2 weeks since we’ve seen them but we have plans for her to visit twice in the next 6 weeks and we made a big deal about seeing her a lot in the days leading up to our trip. Britney had a birthday party and they spent about 36 hours at her house playing.

And the next two days they were all here and we went to Risen Rock and had a pool party. 

It was hard to leave for our trip knowing they would move while we were gone, and there were tears, but Christy and I are really trying to make an effort to have them stay in touch because they have the sweetest friendship. 

We are already getting back in to school mode too

Because it’s starts two weeks from tomorrow. 😩 Lillian got excited to put her new supplies in her new backpack, but other than that, I don’t think any of us are ready! This summer went by way too fast but we are going to soak up as much fun as we can between now and then 


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