Cousin Camp 2022

Anna and Piper got to come to our house for the 4th Annual “Cousin Camp.” We always love having them, and the only downfall was that it had to be so short this year. But between trips and Lilli’s work for us, and camps for Piper, this was the only time we could squeeze in a visit. After a relaxing 4th of July on Monday, we had a fun day on Tuesday. They swam that morning, and then we met a group of friends for bowling and playing at Surge that afternoon 

It was so fun and this was probably my favorite thing we did this week because even the Moms got to play. We did bowling, the ropes course, obstacle course, dark ride and played arcade games. We stayed over 3 hours and had a great time catching up too.

Wednesday was Splash Kingdom and it was fun but kind of sad it was too hot for a water park! Their feet burned walking to different slides and got sunburned so bad their eyes hurt, despite reapplying sunscreen

So we stayed less than 3 hours but it was fun while we were there and I still got him in time for a nap. 😉

Thursday was our chill day that we spent in our pool and watching movies. The kids slept in late and I got some work done so that Katie was rested and ready for her 1st team class

She loved it and did great. She works with the owners now that she’s at competition level and I think she will have a great year!

And this morning we all went to see Thor 

Before meeting Jen in Alexandria to bring them home. We all felt like it was way too short but they needed to get home to get ready for their next trip. They will be back here Wednesday to leave for Colorado Thursday!

While we were out today there were more changes around our house- the chicken yard was built. 

They chickens will be here in a few weeks, and even though we won’t need the coop for a couple of months, we are starting to feel ready!



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