Cousin Camp Week 1
This week is our 5th annual “Cousin Camp” and we are going strong with no end in sight! Anna is 16 and working as a lifeguard so it’s the 1st time she hasn’t been here too, but Piper came back with us from Baton Rouge and we are into our 1st week of camp. Our original thought was to meet up for her to go back this coming Friday, but the girls are having fun and we haven’t had any bickering, so we don’t have an end date set yet. It’ll be sometime next week. Last Friday and Saturday were pretty chill days by the pool. Saturday night was Kathleen’s awards banquet and we all went. Her bronze team got the UConn award. The head coach said these girls cheer on and support each other like none other and I’ve witnessed that first hand! She also got pins for making regionals and nationals, and award for having all scores above a 9 at nationals, two trophies for being a state (vault) and regionals (floor) champion, an award for making the regional team that represented region 8 at nati...