Cousin Camp #1

We had the first cousin camp of the summer this past week and had the best time. I didn’t know for sure it would work out so the kids were surprised when Rach and I told them that they got an extra 3 nights together after Memorial weekend. 

Monday we didn’t do too much other than hang around the house. On Tuesday, Kathleen, Josey and I went to my haircut so they could get some tinsel in their hair before Lilli had some friends over because Austin wanted some boys to play sports with. (And she’s always looking for an excuse for a pool party). 

Wednesday we met up with Case and Lane at Surge to hang out for a few hours that afternoon. They had been in Arkansas with Hailey’s family for Memorial weekend and busy with swim team after they got back so we wanted a chance to see them.

On Thursday it was already time to say goodbye. We met Rachel at the Caldwell Zoo in Tyler and spent a couple of hours together before we had to go our separate ways.

It’s never long enough but we are so thankful for the few days we got together. We love summer!


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