Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day to the best Daddy around!! We are so thankful for the way you love and support us. His day was about like my Mother’s day was and that’s exactly what he wanted. We did a whole lot of nothing! We napped, watch tv and hung out for the day. The girls made (and cleaned up) a big breakfast and we had pork tacos for dinner. We got him a bench for his garden and a counter top griddle. I think he enjoyed it! 

We hope our Pops and Capn had great days too. We are blessed with the best Dads aroind!

While Matt enjoyed his relaxing day, Lilli and I did have to get out some for her horse sitting job she has going on this week. 

She’s has to get up every morning to feed and clean the stalls for 6 horses, and go back to do it again in the evening. It’s a nasty job but I’m proud of the work she’s putting in between this and babysitting. 

I also made another 16 jars of blackberry jam this morning and spent some time with our chickens and baby chicks 

Yaya got to come by and see them earlier in the week too. We went to lunch after Kathleen’s private lesson and then went to see her billboard.

And while she was at our house to see the babies, we picked some blackberries for her friend too. 

We are glad we got to catch up some before we leave for nationals on Tuesday! 


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