Between the Breaks

It’s funny how my time is measured now… the last 2 1/2 weeks have been such a blur but we are in the home stretch to the next school break! It was crazy that Thanksgiving was so late, because the time between the 2 was about a week shorter than normal. It seemed
long though because these kids have been in holiday mode the whole time! 

The first week back was Lillian getting her TIP card so that she can start Driver’s Ed this week 😳 and we saw Santa when we rejoined the gym. (They all made the nice list)

That weekend was the Benton Christmas Parade and both girls were in it. Kathleen was with the gymnastics team on a float, and Lillian rode Little Rock with Vivette and the other girls that work for her 

The next week was a pep squad Christmas party and a dress up day everyday at school. 

This past weekend was our annual Baton Rouge Christmas and Jimmy, Theresa and Janice came in town too. 
Friday night was our immediate family dinner with Dad and Janet, their kids and grandkids. We had everyone but Rachel’s husband Chase, which is pretty good! I think it’s been 5 or 6 years since we’ve gotten together with no one missing but it’s hard when there are so many of us. We had a delicious dinner, opened gifts, and took some family pictures 

Saturday morning was the annual turkey giveaway at Dad’s church. He spent weeks baking so that there was a loaf of homemade bread to give out with each of the 500 turkeys. It’s a complete meal with seasonings, sides, fresh fruit, even a big foil roasting pan to cook it in. The line started at 7:30, but people start lining up at 3AM and we have to have police direct traffic. It’s a huge event and amazing that they run it all year completely with volunteers

Saturday afternoon was the extended family party at Jen’s and everyone was there. We ate, played games, opened gifts… Dad’s friend even picked up Nana so she could be in her comfortable chair and not have to do any transfers 

It was a great way to finally feel like the Christmas season has started and I was so thankful to get to celebrate with so much of my extended family before we all go our separate ways for the actual holiday. 


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