Christmas Break is Here!
I’ll do a separate post for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but I wanted to update the first 5 days of the break first. There was no downtime when school got out for sure! That Wednesday night, Cara and I took Lillian and her friends (Kathleen was at gymnastics) to dinner to celebrate the end of the first semester and they all came back to our house to hangout until around 10:30
That’s a little earlier than their normal hangouts, but Lil and I had to be up early for her first day of Driver’s Ed. She had to be there 7:00-3:00 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday. It’s crazy to think the written part is done and she only has to get in her 8 hours of driving before she has her permit.

It will probably be the new place for our tradition

Sunday was the only downtime for Driver’s Ed, but we didn’t spend it resting. I met Matt in Plain Dealing after Vivette’s party and he and Lillian went duck hunting that morning, while Kathleen and I went and got mani/pedis and started Christmas cooking. That afternoon was spent back at Vivette’s riding and grooming her horse for about 3 hours. And Monday after Driver’s Ed was riding and gymnastics while
That’s a little earlier than their normal hangouts, but Lil and I had to be up early for her first day of Driver’s Ed. She had to be there 7:00-3:00 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday. It’s crazy to think the written part is done and she only has to get in her 8 hours of driving before she has her permit.
Thursday night was our annual Christmas lights with the Olivers. We changed it up this year and went to a new place in Stonewall and it didn’t disappoint! Way more lights than Roseland and they had fun activities for the kids like a big slide you ride down on a tube and jumpy things
It will probably be the new place for our tradition
Friday was a party at Brynn’s house with a bunch of their friends. (Kathleen was invited but she was at gymnastics again)
And Saturday Lillian worked at Vivette’s Christmas open house. Her house is a historic home that was built in the 1800s and she opened it up to the public this year. Vivette has a lot of the original furniture and there are tons of cool stories and Lil gave part of the tour
Kelli and I went to dinner to exchange gifts and have our Christmas.
This update gets us to Tuesday, which was Christmas Eve, so I’ll do a separate post for that. 😊
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