Never A Dull Moment

I feel like I've made a rite of passage as a parent today. I made my first trip to the ER with a hurt child. As I mentioned yesterday, it was my first day back to work with a house full of kids. I had a relatively uneventful day planned. I usually try to "homeschool" for at least 30-45 minutes every morning but since Lilli was home and it was the first day back, I thought I'd let them all play with the new toys from Christmas. And they did. The morning was smooth and I think we pulled out everything we hadn't seen before. Then, after lunch, Katie decided to race her new horse. Instead of getting off at the step between the kitchen and living room (which is the rule but I knew before this I was kidding myself to think a 2 year old would do it every time) she decided to go down full speed. The horse fell over and she busted her chin open on the floor. She really handled it like a champ though. She cried but not for too long. By the time Daddy, Yaya and Cap'n got here to check on her she was happy. 

But they all still agreed it needed attention. We hoped her pediatrician could glue it but they felt it needed stitches so they sent us to the ER. 

After 3 hours she was all fixed up and the ER doc was able to glue after all. She didn't cry at all while they were working on it but burst in to tears as soon as they were done saying it hurt. I'm sure it did! She's really tough. I'll spare the before picture but It wasn't a simple glue.  It took 10 minutes to get it ready. 

We're now all home and she's asleep. I'm sure Matt is ready too. Remember those other 4 kids? He stayed with them so Mama could be at the doctor. 
What a good Daddy! We're hoping it holds so I'm going to keep her home from school tomorrow. Really don't want stitches! I feel like all in all we got of easy on our first hospital trip. I should probably knock on some wood! 


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