Scariest 10 minutes

The scariest 10 minutes of my life were from 4:20-4:30 this morning. That was from when our home alarm went off until the 911 dispatcher told me the police said it was ok to go to the door. I had grabbed the girls, locked the bedroom door and we were huddled in the closet. I'm ashamed to admit that grabbing my gun was not my first instinct (and my father in law hangs his head wondering where he went wrong right now- Love you Cap'n, and don't worry, it will be if there is ever a next time :) and once we were locked in I really didn't want to go back out. 

Thankfully it looks to be only a faulty alarm 
                   This piece fell off 
but that was the end of my sleep for the day. The girls were rattled but they had no problem. 

And through it all, Jackson never got out from under my covers. I think Bella may be staying here when Matt goes to the camp for a little while. I thank God this morning for being safe and that it wasn't more serious. But also for alarm systems, the police who responded so quickly, a sister-in-law and brother-in-law who answered the alarm company call when they couldn't get me, and that gun that was most definitely in my hand the next time I walked out. 


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