Wild in Austin

Lilli got her birthday surprise early on Thursday evening. As we finished dinner I brought out a bag full of coloring books, colored pencils, snack cups, and the biggest surprise... 3 tickets to see Wild Kratts Live in Austin, Texas. She missed school on Friday so we could leave early for the long drive. It took about 6 1/2 hours with stops so we got to Kelly's house around 3:30. The girls got a few hours of playing time in with Andrew before we went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant. 

He came back to GranJan and Papa Roy's house with us for a slumber party. And party they did! We didn't get them to bed until after 10:00 and they were up at 6:00. 

At least we were able to have a leisurely morning. We played and slowly got ready until we met Kelly, Adam and Brooks for lunch. We went to a place called Phil's which had the best burgers and a playground for the kids. Can't get better than that! I burger restaurant where running around and playing is encouraged. :)

From there, we went to UT campus for Wild Kratts Live! It was the same show we saw last year with Yaya and Austin but Lilli didn't mind. She loved it just as much this time and Katie was mesmerized. 

GranJan made a roast for dinner last night and we were earlier to bed. As we were loading the car this morning we got to see deer as close as we ever have. GJ and PR live on a golf course in Lago Vista full of them and these were waiting in the driveway for GranJan to feed them some breakfast. 

The girls loved that and it was a great way to end the trip. We left early so we could be home in time to get cupcakes to bring to school tomorrow. The real birthday is finally almost here! 


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