
Showing posts from November, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

We have the best family! I love our tradition of Thanksgiving at the camp every year.  It's always 4 days of relaxing with lots of love and laughter. And of course hunting! The men of the family enjoyed every morning in the duck blind.  We had some beautiful weather and I think they had good hunts most days. Matt also took Lilli deer hunting again.  They didn't get one this time but she still loved it.  She got to see a spike walk right underneath the stand and 5 hogs in a trap.   While the guys were doing what they wanted to do, we got to do what we wanted to Girl time with good food and good wine! :)   The kids always have a blast playing together.  They pretty much stay outside and they play really well together.   Thanksgiving day itself couldn't have been more perfect.  We woke up to coffee and the parade.  Followed by family pictures Austin- the son we never had, lol :)   A delici...

School Fun and Pops' Birthday

It's been a whirlwind few days to start this Thanksgiving break.  Both girls had things at their schools on Friday.  Lilli started the day with her book character parade.  She was ladybug girl again this year.   And then KatieJane had her first ever performance.  First Friends had their Thanksgiving program and feast.  She was so excited in the days leading up to it.  She sang the songs for us and talked about how she was going to perform with her class.  When the day came she was not nearly as excited.  She wasn't expecting everyone ELSE'S parents to be there too and stood up front with a frown on her face and tears in her eyes the whole time. It was still very cute. After school, we left for Baton Rouge to visit and celebrate Pops' birthday.  It was a great day full of family, laughter and the LSU game.  The game may have been disappointing but it didn't stop the fun.  The cousins love being together and th...

Oh KatieJane!

I saw this cartoon on Facebook this morning and it made me giggle.  I'm not sure that Matt will find it as funny as I did but he has to at least see the humor. :) If you know Katie, you know she is a Mama's girl.  And that Mama's girl still comes in our room just about every night in the middle of the night.  About half the time she lays down on our floor, but the other half of the time she snuggles up with me.  I'm not sure how to break her of it.  She's a little ninja and I don't even know she's there until morning.  So that's the reason I found this so funny.  (at least she does know better than to get in the middle of us :)   Oh that girl! I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with her.  But it's very hard to stay upset when you're walking her in to Sunday school this morning and see the bulletin board she did at school last week.  It's a turkey of a list of what the kids are thankful for.  Most kids had their parent...

Apollo Field Day

Field day is traditionally a spring time, end of school activity for most elementary schools. But last year Apollo had to move it three times because of rain. And by the time they actually had it, it was so hot that it wasn't even enjoyable. So they changed things up this year and had it in the fall. Katie missed school so that she could come with me to cheer her sister on. Lilli's class won the dizzy bat race but they also had baton relays, tug of war, the 50 yard dash.... All the traditional games.  But the best part? You could check out after! So we were home a little after 10:00 and had plenty of time to get ready to go to the camp to spend the whole weekend with the family.  I didn't take any pics so I'm hoping to steal some from Yaya's blog in the next few days. :) We always have the best time when we're all together and I'm so grateful for the time spent up there. 

I'm Going To Be An Aunt Again!

Ok, maybe not be blood but close enough. :) I've been waiting on Shanon and Alex to make it "Facebook official" for weeks now so that I can share my excitement on here.  They told us Alex was pregnant when we were there 3 weeks ago and they went to the doctor 2 weeks ago.  Our kids love their "Uncle Shanny" and Alex so much and we know they are going to be the best parents.  We couldn't be happier for them and can't wait until (around) May 29th!

A Happy Halloween!

  Our Halloween fun lasted for a day and a half.  It started Sunday evening with pumpkin carving.  Matt takes this very seriously and he likes to choose patterns with high skill levels.  He and Ms. KJ did one "together" this year.   Lilli had been saying for weeks that she wanted to carve one herself.  I honestly didn't think she'd be able to do it but she proved me wrong! She scooped most of it and then Matt helped her get the last little bit and put the pattern on it for her.  Other than helping her cut out a few of the fingers (they were kind of small) she did it all!   She's always surprising me with how big she is.  I think it's because I want her to stay small. :)   Monday was Halloween and Katie's party at First Friends.  I had done things with Lilli's school the last couple of weeks so she was excited it was her turn to have Mama at school.  She was the cutest little witch ever. They had tr...