Oh KatieJane!

I saw this cartoon on Facebook this morning and it made me giggle.  I'm not sure that Matt will find it as funny as I did but he has to at least see the humor. :) If you know Katie, you know she is a Mama's girl.  And that Mama's girl still comes in our room just about every night in the middle of the night.  About half the time she lays down on our floor, but the other half of the time she snuggles up with me.  I'm not sure how to break her of it.  She's a little ninja and I don't even know she's there until morning.  So that's the reason I found this so funny.
 (at least she does know better than to get in the middle of us :)
Oh that girl! I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with her.  But it's very hard to stay upset when you're walking her in to Sunday school this morning and see the bulletin board she did at school last week.  It's a turkey of a list of what the kids are thankful for.  Most kids had their parents but also toys, TV, candy, etc.  Here's Katie's:
Only her family
We haven't been up to too much lately.  It was a fairly quiet week and weekend.  Matt went hunting and the girls and I stayed home and hung around the house most of the day yesterday.  The weather was so pretty that we decided to have a picnic at the park after church.

Sure do love these girls!


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! You must blow that up and frame it!!!! SO typical of something she'd say too!!!
    Oh that just cracks me UP!!! That one is going to make your life oh, so "interesting"!!


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