School Fun and Pops' Birthday

It's been a whirlwind few days to start this Thanksgiving break.  Both girls had things at their schools on Friday.  Lilli started the day with her book character parade.  She was ladybug girl again this year.
And then KatieJane had her first ever performance.  First Friends had their Thanksgiving program and feast.  She was so excited in the days leading up to it.  She sang the songs for us and talked about how she was going to perform with her class.  When the day came she was not nearly as excited.  She wasn't expecting everyone ELSE'S parents to be there too and stood up front with a frown on her face and tears in her eyes the whole time.
It was still very cute.

After school, we left for Baton Rouge to visit and celebrate Pops' birthday.  It was a great day full of family, laughter and the LSU game. 

The game may have been disappointing but it didn't stop the fun.  The cousins love being together and the weather was perfect to sit outside with a drink and watch them play.

Sunday was a day spent all together too.  We all went to church and then brunch with the Betts'.  And then Janet cooked a family dinner again that night and Michaelyn and Rick were able to come.

All in all it was a great weekend and a nice visit for the holidays.  This will serve as Thanksgiving and Christmas this year as Matt won't be up to traveling.  We are already looking forward to the cousins all coming here in January.


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