Apollo Field Day

Field day is traditionally a spring time, end of school activity for most elementary schools. But last year Apollo had to move it three times because of rain. And by the time they actually had it, it was so hot that it wasn't even enjoyable. So they changed things up this year and had it in the fall. Katie missed school so that she could come with me to cheer her sister on. Lilli's class won the dizzy bat race but they also had baton relays, tug of war, the 50 yard dash....
All the traditional games.  But the best part? You could check out after! So we were home a little after 10:00 and had plenty of time to get ready to go to the camp to spend the whole weekend with the family.  I didn't take any pics so I'm hoping to steal some from Yaya's blog in the next few days. :) We always have the best time when we're all together and I'm so grateful for the time spent up there. 


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