Thanksgiving 2016

We have the best family! I love our tradition of Thanksgiving at the camp every year.  It's always 4 days of relaxing with lots of love and laughter. And of course hunting!

The men of the family enjoyed every morning in the duck blind.  We had some beautiful weather and I think they had good hunts most days.

Matt also took Lilli deer hunting again.  They didn't get one this time but she still loved it.  She got to see a spike walk right underneath the stand and 5 hogs in a trap.
While the guys were doing what they wanted to do, we got to do what we wanted to
Girl time with good food and good wine! :)
The kids always have a blast playing together.  They pretty much stay outside and they play really well together.
Thanksgiving day itself couldn't have been more perfect.  We woke up to coffee and the parade.  Followed by family pictures

Austin- the son we never had, lol :)

A delicious dinner, complete with Matt's fried turkey
And then we all cut down the camp Christmas tree.  Charlie Brown has nothing on us! But it couldn't be more perfect and these are the memories that will last a lifetime

It may not be the fullest Christmas tree you'll ever come across, but it is more beautiful than anything I'd find anywhere else because of the memories that come with it.


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