2 Week Update

Matt has honestly been pretty miserable up until today.  He's had a severe burning pain in his chest and pain when he takes deep breaths from the pericarditis.  We went to his local cardiologist on Monday and he prescribed him a steroid pack that he started yesterday.  And now he's FINALLY feeling better.  Today marks two weeks since the surgery and I think it may be the longest two weeks of my life.  It seems life forever ago that we went to see him in the ICU for the first time.  He's still got a ways to go until he's made a full recovery, but at least he (and me!) can see a light at the end of the tunnel.  He's been following doctor's orders.  Even when he's hurting he's gotten up and walked everyday
The one positive thing (for me at least) is that by 4 weeks he's supposed to be walking 30 minutes a day.  I've always wanted to take walks together as a family. He's still sleeping in the recliner because it's too painful to lay flat.  I think Bella likes that someone is sleeping with her and Jackson sure isn't complaining.
But he is starting to go stir crazy and said it's the last day he's going to be able to sit and not leave the house.  I told him he's welcome to come to the store and Lilli's class party with me tomorrow.  We'll see. :)
Katie had her Christmas play and birthday party for Jesus on Monday.  It was a complete 180 from her crying and not singing any songs in her Thanksgiving play! She sang the song and was so loud that you could pick her out of all the kids and had a smile on her face the whole time.

And that afternoon Yaya took them to gymnastics for me while I was at the doctor with Matt.  Santa Mouse came back! I'm not sure what a Santa mouse is but he comes to gymnastics every year and Katie has been talking about it since last year.
So cute! I wish I could have seen it.  It hasn't even felt like Christmas yet to me.  I'm looking forward to doing some Christmassy stuff this weekend to get myself in the spirit!
And this is totally unrelated but I wanted to post this somewhere so that Katie can see it one day when she's older and reading my blog books.
I love this!  It's so true because Katie has always been more into Batman than princesses and she sure does march to the beat of her own drummer but I love her individuality and confidence.


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