Lights and Driving

We've been really enjoying the first few days of the school Christmas break.  We went to the deer camp on Sunday and spent a couple of nights mostly relaxing but also getting ready for Christmas.  And then we came back Tuesday in time to meet up with Tiffany, Aubrey, and Olivia to see the lights at Christmas in Roseland and go to dinner.  I wish I could see it through the girls' eyes.  We've gone several years in a row and it's pretty much becoming the same old thing to me.  But Lilli and (especially) Katie were full of oohs and aahs.  It definitely makes it worth it!

And it's a milestone day in Matt's recovery.  He was finally released to drive so was able to take off on his own.  He (like most people I guess) didn't like having to rely on someone else to get anywhere or get anything he needed.  He went to work for the first time in almost 4 weeks
I love him for many reasons but reason #4581255 is because he will humor me and stop to take a selfie on his first day back so that I can use the picture on my blog. :)
He went for a few hours and then drove up to the deer camp for the afternoon.  Of course since he's cleared to drive, that meant drive anything
so he rode around the property for a little bit.  I guarantee you that is the best medicine he can get!


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