And Just Like That

Another school year is done
I can't believe it's Lilli's last day of 1st grade! She technically won't be done until Wednesday but she's missing the last 3 days so that we can go to the beach with all the "deer camp family." She's made straight A's all year and her Dad and I couldn't be more proud. She's missing the awards ceremony on Monday too so I'll be curious as to what awards she got when we get back. But we couldn't leave before her AR water slide party.  
Kids that met their reading goal for 3 out of 4 nine weeks got to go and most of her class was there. It was a fun party for her last day. There were a few tears shed after we left. She's going to miss the friends she made this year but I promised we'd call some of them over the summer. The tears were short lived though because she switched to excitement as we left for Baton Rouge and the beach! Congrats Lilli Leigh! I can't believe you're a 2nd grader. 


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