Happy Mother's Day

                                Happy Mother's Day! 
Of course I'll always miss my Mom and she'll always hold a special place in my heart but I'm so lucky to have Nana, Yaya and Honey as Moms to me too. 

We spent the day at the lake yesterday celebrating with Yaya. We had Capn's burgers, the kids swam for hours and we went for a boat ride. 
Then I woke up this morning to my Mother's Day present. Matt had the diamond from my Moms ring (Nana's original engagement diamond) put in a new setting. I went to have it checked about a month ago and the setting was cracked and the diamond was loose so he picked a new setting and is having something done with the original gold band. I can't wait to see what! 
He did good. :) I'm a lucky Mama to get to be Mom to my 2 girls and lucky to have such a good Daddy to go through this crazy life with too! 


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