Sweet Summertime

After being out of town 3 weekends in a row, we have thoroughly enjoyed our day at home. Matt left to go fishing with Wesley after my run this morning but the girls and I have spent almost the whole rest of the day outside. They've played in the pool (not phased that it was in the mid 50s last night), jumped on the trampoline and played with animal toys in the grass from 10:30- now except about an hour and a half break we took to watch a movie/nap for Katie. 
I am so looking forward to school being out (2 more weeks!!) and this being our everyday. Even my hair is summer ready. ;) At the age of 35 I've change the color of it for the first time. It's got a lot of blonde highlights and even more so in person. Matt had a shocked look on his face every time he saw me for the first 24 hours. But I think he likes it. ;) Hello summer! 


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