End of Year Parties

It was a busy day celebrating the end of the school year for both girls. It's also Katie's last day of school. She really has a week left but we leave for the beach on Friday so she'll miss the last 4 days.
She's grown. I wish her hair wasn't in a ponytail so the hair difference could show. :)

First Friends had a jumpy and then pizza and ice cream to celebrate their end of year.
She's especially going to miss Britney. I've already told her Mama that we need to have lots of play dates this summer. 

From there, we met Lilli at Brownlee Park for the 1st grade end of year picnic. She's going to sleep good tonight! She and her group of friends ran around for 4 hours. Katie was there the last hour and they are all always so sweet to include her.
Lilli has 1 1/2 more days and then we are off to Baton Rouge for one night before we head to the beach on Saturday. So excited!!!


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