Oops... I did it again

I completely forgot to do Katie's birthday interview on her birthday. I did the same thing on Lilli's. I can't believe it took me two whole weeks after to remember, but here we go.

4 Year Old Birthday Interview 
What's your...
1. Favorite color? Blue
2. Favorite toy? Baby alive go bye bye
3. Favorite fruit? Oranges
4. Favorite show? The Sandlot
5. Favorite lunch? lunchables
6. Favorite outfits? USA shirt (it's always what they have on as I ask ;)
7. Favorite game? Feeding baby go bye bye
8. Favorite snack? Goldfish
9. Favorite song? Jesus Loves Me
10. Favorite animal? Horses
11. Favorite book? Jesus Loves Me
12. Best friend? Britney
13. Favorite cereal? Lucky charms
14. Favorite drink? Chocolate milk 
15. Favorite thing to do outside? Jump on trampoline 
16. Favorite holiday? Christmas 
17. Favorite breakfast? Peanut butter and honey sandwich 
18. Favorite dinner? Daddy burgers
19. What do you want to be when you grow up? A babysitter 


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