A Busy Person is a Happy Person

That was one of my Papa’s famous quotes that he truly believed. And if it’s true, we must be ecstatic this week. :) I had a babysitter come 3 times so that I could go to training, a meeting and phone duty at the office. On top of that I was shopping, cooking, cleaning, packing to get ready for our beach trip that we leave on tomorrow. (Yay!!) Even though it’s been busy for me, I still wanted the kids to have some fun. Lilli went to science camp 3 mornings. She loved doing experiments and being with her friends but said they didn’t really teach her anything she didn’t already know. (Which isn’t surprising considering her love of it.) Katie and I met a friend at Chuck E. Cheese while she was there one day, we all went swimming at a different friend’s house after camp, and had lunch and play time at McDonald’s after the last day today. 

They also finally got to meet Josie when we went to Cara’s house. She needed a shower and I needed baby snuggles before we leave. She is getting so big and the girls love her. They love all the animals just as much though. 

After a crazy week I am definitely ready for some relaxing on the beach. One night in Baton Rouge and a visit with the family and we will be there! 


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