Cousin Camp Day 7-8

Yesterday was the park with VBS friends. We were only there about an hour because it was just too hot to even be in the water. 

They still had a good time but other than that it was mostly a chill day. Matt stayed at the camp and the girls and I watched 3 movies. A much needed recharge.
Today was the final VBS day and we had to say goodbye to our wonderful children’s director who has been there since before Lilli was born. She’s all we’ve ever known and we sure will miss her! 

She got a job as a teacher so we’ll still see her every Sunday but not as director. I’m sure they’ll find someone wonderful but it will be hard to follow in her shoes. 

From there it was skating 

And then our neighbors invited us down to swim. 

I bet I know 4 girls that will sleep well tonight! Mama too! Cousin camp has been fun but nonstop. I’m trying to keep them busy by doing at least one thing a day because too much closeness in our house causes arguing. :)  But when they don’t get bored they get along perfectly! 


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