Here We Go!

Lilli and Katie have been counting down the days to today since we got back from the beach. Their cousins are here!! Piper and Anna arrived about 5:30 to spend the next TEN nights with us. Jen and Ryan are making a road trip with friends to the Grand Canyon and Daniel is with Luke. They had the option to stay with Pops and Honey but when they asked if they could spend the time with their cousins, how could we say no? We have lots of fun planned including vacation Bible school all next week. Lillian and Piper will be together and Anna is volunteering with me. (Katie has her friends so she’ll be good) Plus swimming, a movie, Altitude... it’ll be a staycation for my girls. More posts of the fun to come. 

Lillian has also been counting the days to today because she has been excited about our mommy and me day for over a month. I’ve been promising to take her to Jurassic World on opening day and we went this morning. We went to the theater in Shreveport with reclining seats and I’ll never be able to go back! The movie was good. I was worried she would be a little scared (or that I would!) but she has seen them all and loved it.

Fun day today! 


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