Other Gulf Shores Fun

When Matt and I take trips alone we spend all day on the beach and never have a need to do anything else. But with kids there are other memories to be made. What trip to the beach is complete without a trip to the souvenir store? We ended up with airbrushed T-shirts and four new hermit crabs. Our one from last year survived a year. And we talked with the “hermit crab guru” (as Matt called her) at the store so hopefully we know what we need to do now for them to have a long and happy life. She had one that was 16 years old!

One morning the whole family went to The Hangout for breakfast. They serve breakfast family style with a pirate and princess theme for the kids. They got to go on a treasure hunt and it was definitely a lot of fun.

And our last night we went on our evening crab hunt. Lillian, Katie and Austin caught a total of 51! Definitely a new record.

Lilli said that was her favorite part of the whole trip!

And it has become a tradition every year for Yaya and Capn to keep all the kids while the adults can have a date night. We found a new restaurant called Cobalt that will be our place. Josh and Hailey decided to stay in this year and we definitely missed them.

It was a perfect night of delicious food and even better company. I love that we are not just family but also friends.


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