Cousin Camp Day 4-6
It’s been an exhausting week so far around here but we sure are having fun! Monday started Vacation Bible School at our church and we were up bright and early and there at 8:00. 

They have been having a lot of fun and learning so much. The theme this year is Shipwrecked and so far the message of each day has been if you are lonely, worrying or struggling... Jesus rescues. I’m excited to see what the message is today. Anna is too old and is volunteering. The first day she went with Piper and Lilli which made for a sad KatieJane. But since then she’s been with Katie and now everyone is happy. She likes it better over there anyway because she’s older and feels more like a counselor than she did before.

And on top of all of this I’ve been showing houses at 5:30 Monday to Wednesday evening. I am beyond exhausted but it’s worth it to see them having fun. I know it’s a memory they’ll have forever
They have been having a lot of fun and learning so much. The theme this year is Shipwrecked and so far the message of each day has been if you are lonely, worrying or struggling... Jesus rescues. I’m excited to see what the message is today. Anna is too old and is volunteering. The first day she went with Piper and Lilli which made for a sad KatieJane. But since then she’s been with Katie and now everyone is happy. She likes it better over there anyway because she’s older and feels more like a counselor than she did before.
That goes from 8:00-12:00 each day but the fun doesn’t stop there! Monday was straight to see the Incredibles 2 and yesterday was lunch and then bowling with Bridget and Aubrey too (Tuesday we came back to the house to play).
And on top of all of this I’ve been showing houses at 5:30 Monday to Wednesday evening. I am beyond exhausted but it’s worth it to see them having fun. I know it’s a memory they’ll have forever
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