Daddy’s Girl
I post all the time about how much our girls love their Daddy. Well... that doesn’t change when they get to be 38 because I’m still Daddy’s girl too. He knows we are still strictly social distancing but couldn’t go any longer without seeing me and his grandkids (probably Matt a little too 😉) so he drove up for a social distanced visit. 
He got here Monday evening and we did show him the house but spent the rest of the evening outside. The kids swam and he also brought a BB gun that they had a lot of fun shooting.
So much fun that he left it for them. 😊 He stayed in a hotel but was back early the next morning and we drove up to Arkansas to pick veggies in the garden and fish in the pond.

He caught 12 fish in the 45 minutes we were there and said that was the most fun he’s had fishing in a really long time. We came back to the house for lunch and then he went back to the hotel for about 4 hours to get out of the heat of the day before coming back for dinner. He stopped by for coffee on his way out this morning too. It was definitely a different visit and I was a little sad to not get to hug him goodbye but definitely better than nothing. It meant a lot that he made the effort. Love you Dad!
He got here Monday evening and we did show him the house but spent the rest of the evening outside. The kids swam and he also brought a BB gun that they had a lot of fun shooting.
So much fun that he left it for them. 😊 He stayed in a hotel but was back early the next morning and we drove up to Arkansas to pick veggies in the garden and fish in the pond.
He caught 12 fish in the 45 minutes we were there and said that was the most fun he’s had fishing in a really long time. We came back to the house for lunch and then he went back to the hotel for about 4 hours to get out of the heat of the day before coming back for dinner. He stopped by for coffee on his way out this morning too. It was definitely a different visit and I was a little sad to not get to hug him goodbye but definitely better than nothing. It meant a lot that he made the effort. Love you Dad!
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