They Don’t Want To Be Apart

I said in my other post Matt was taking the kids to the camp but Katie getting an ear infection changed our plans. Austin and Josey ended up staying a 2nd night before Rachel came in Thursday to get them. She offered to take all 4 but poor little KatieJane’s ear was really bad and she wasn’t sleeping well so she stayed here with Josey while Austin and Lilli went with Rach. After 11 weeks of no one to play with but their siblings they can’t get enough of having cousins! 

After working a little Friday morning me and the 2 little girls loaded up to meet them up there. Matt was working all weekend so we thought we’d go up there to hang out with him but his days were so long we didn’t even really see him. But that was ok because the kids were doing exactly what they wanted to be doing. 
We hung out in the tractor shed, helped in the garden, rode around, made homemade ice cream and chilled. They played all day but slept in separate houses at night. We seriously missed having Case and Lane though. 😢

And then this morning we released the butterflies that had emerged from their chrysalis on Friday. 

Matt mentioned needing something to pollinate his veggies so all of the kids decided that’s where they needed to be released. It was pretty cool. 

After the release Matt and I left and the kids stayed. (Lilli’s glasses broke so that’s the reason for the tape, lol)

They will stay a night or two and then probably come back here to swim once the weather clears up from Tropical Storm Cristobel. Eventually they will have to separate and spend a whole night and day apart but it’s so hard to tell them that has to happen. Chad and Rachel are going to Plano next weekend and some of those inevitable appointments are scheduled for early next week so they’ll have to go 2 weeks without seeing each other then. Whether or not that happens before next weekend remains to be seen! 😉


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