Officially Summertime
Last week was supposed to be spent laying around on the beach with the McCormicks, kids and adults all enjoying spending time together. But 2020 had other plans and we’ve really been missing family. Of course we’ve SEEN each other a few times but it’s not the same as being together without worrying about kids staying 6 ft apart. So late last week Me and Matt and Chad and Rachel all decided it was time. All members of both households had been isolated without going in public places or within 6 ft if anyone for over 2 weeks so we figure that’s as safe as anyone can get. We have to trust our “bubble” and also have the understanding that when things inevitably come up (Austin has an ortho appt mid month and I need to schedule a doc appt) we will have to distance for a certain time again after. It may be more than necessary but there are too many unknowns with this virus to chance it. But for now everyone is good and the summer fun started! It’s hard enough on adults to feel isolated so I’ve been really worried about the kids mental health. They NEED the socialization. We thought we’d start small and picnic outside and let them swim just asking not to be in each other’s faces. Basically the rule was you can play, just don’t dog pile. 😉
This was the happiest I had seen them in a VERY long time and it did my heart good to be able to watch. Rachel and I sat outside and talked for hours without feeling like we had to constantly police and that was good for us too. We should have know starting small wasn’t going to work because by evening we decided Lillian would go back to the camp with Austin and Josey would have a sleepover here with Katie. I think everyone needed some separation from siblings because they really hadn’t had a minute apart in almost 3 months.

The next morning we met at a blueberry farm to pick some berries. Yaya met us as well as Lily Jordan and Kelli too. It was the first time Lillian and Lily got to talk in 11 weeks and that was very sweet to watch. It was the perfect place to hang out without having to be too close 

They were outside most of the day and piled in the bonus room for a slumber party that night. Tomorrow Matt is taking the girls up to the camp while I baby Poor little Gypsy who will be picked up after being spayed today. 😢
I laughed when I said I wonder if he will come home with four kids, two, or none- but I’m good any way! ❤️
This was the happiest I had seen them in a VERY long time and it did my heart good to be able to watch. Rachel and I sat outside and talked for hours without feeling like we had to constantly police and that was good for us too. We should have know starting small wasn’t going to work because by evening we decided Lillian would go back to the camp with Austin and Josey would have a sleepover here with Katie. I think everyone needed some separation from siblings because they really hadn’t had a minute apart in almost 3 months.
(After so many weeks of social distancing they seemed to naturally stayed a little apart but it was good to see them so happy). Austin and Lilli went down to the garden and got some of the first veggies off the plants. She was super proud of her haul and Matt is excited she may grow up to love it as much as he does.
The next morning we met at a blueberry farm to pick some berries. Yaya met us as well as Lily Jordan and Kelli too. It was the first time Lillian and Lily got to talk in 11 weeks and that was very sweet to watch. It was the perfect place to hang out without having to be too close
Plus we got to bring home lots of blueberries so it was a win-win!
After we were done they still weren’t ready to be apart so we came back to the house to swim some more and they convinced us to let all 4 of them stay.
They were outside most of the day and piled in the bonus room for a slumber party that night. Tomorrow Matt is taking the girls up to the camp while I baby Poor little Gypsy who will be picked up after being spayed today. 😢
I laughed when I said I wonder if he will come home with four kids, two, or none- but I’m good any way! ❤️
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